Friday, September 29, 2017

OUGD602 - Summer Plan Evaluation / Results

At the end of 2nd Year I set myself a few aims to complete over the Summer. They were as follows:

•  Re-contact Leopold Ltd
•  Improve My Behance Exposure
•  Keep In Contact With Deuce Studios
•  Complete Some Freelance Work

Out of the 4 aims, I have completed 2. In regards to Leopold Ltd, I met up with the owner, Nigel Roberts, for a few drinks over the Summer period. Keeping good relations with him is important as he has some great contacts and industry experience. The second aim I completed was to continue freelancing - over the Summer period I continued to work for Bannenberg & Rowell, completing paid visuals for the interior of a new superyacht. One typographic wall piece produced can be seen below.

In relation to the other 2 aims, I did not fully complete them. Improving my Behance exposure is difficult to do when I do not have any new work to upload. I did; however, upload the publication project with Harrison, which helped to further my Behance exposure and overall content. Yet, in terms of Deuce, I chose not to keep relations with them. Whilst they offered us some great feedback on the publication, myself and Harrison feel that they were quite rude after sending it to them. I have learnt that I do not want to pursue working with studios that do not share a similar interest, therefore, I aim to look at working with other studios and practitioners this year.  

The summer period allowed me to reflect over my practice and where I would like to head. The following blog post identifies these areas.

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