Monday, May 1, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Deuce Studios Report: Sending Deuce The Publication & Response

As the publication, posterzine, prints and stickers were now printed and ready to send off, I got back in touch with Deuce as needed to find out their address (as they do not have an actual studio). Jonny was great at getting back to us and provided an address for us to send off our work to.

As the publication is very personal to Deuce in a sense, we wanted to apply this same approach to the packaging of the items to keep up the same level of effort. Firstly, we bought some higher quality sleeves from G.F Smith to ensure that the items are protected as much as possible. We then applied a variety of stickers to the packaging to seal certain areas and visually make it more engaging. To try and hint at the fact that we would like to come and work with Deuce in Summer we included a small written slip of paper, thanking them for the interview and encouraging them to get in touch if they need a hand with work at all. This can be seen below.

Inside the sleeve we cut out a variety of the stickers produced and included them alongside the publication, prints and posterzine. Some photographs of the packaging can be seen below.

The package was sent off to Deuce this week. As it took quite long to produce the publication to a high standard we were hoping that this would come across. They put an Instagram post up thanking us for the publication and bits sent, and highlighted that we had put a lot of time and care into the outcomes, which was great to hear.

Deuce also emailed us regarding the publication and how we had printed the yellow. We are going to upload a Behance project and then get back in touch with them to hope that they will help spread the project and boost our online exposure. I am definitely going to try and keep in touch with them as their style of work is one that is very similar to the type of work I would like to go into in industry. As we have contact with them on Behance, Instagram and email we will be able to regularly send them messages and hopefully keep them engaged with the work we produce over the following year. As for possible work experience, I am going to email Jonny fairly soon to see if there is a chance for us to come down for a few days.

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