Friday, February 10, 2017

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 02 - Deuce Studios: The Interview

This week, we met up with Deuce at the Book Club in Shoreditch to interview them about their practice and find out more about how they went from graduating to a design studio in such a short space of time.

The entire interview lasted around an hour, and we were really lucky to get some really in-depth answers. It was very chilled out and Deuce were really friendly and open to talk to, which was great as we were able to talk to them about everything we planned. We gave them a tube of some Designbytwo posters they had liked at the end of the interview as a little thank you for their time. Notes on their responses were made after the interview by listening back to the recording taken.

How did you guys get together?

After a year of working for various agencies and clients, Deuce was essentially formed by three designers - Jonny Aldrich (Managing Director), Richard Patrick (Digital Director) and Matt Down (Creative Director).

They graduated two years ago after all studying graphics. A year of experience at a bunch of agencies (packaging, advertising and freelancing). did some interning at first then got offered jobs after that.

Known as the Managing Director, Jonny runs the entire team, keeping everyone and everything organised. He is mainly responsible for finding new clients, managing the business side of Deuce and visualizing the design process for multiple projects.

In charge of web design and everything coding related is Digital Director Matt Down. Whilst working on the digital side of things, Matt is also an accomplished typographer, gaining an Honor & Award membership to the International Society of Typographic Designers. 

The final key member of Deuce is Creative Director Richard Patrick. Also a member of the International Society of Typographic Designers, Richard is skilled at typography, art direction, photography, branding, identity and corporate work.

• Why the name Deuce?

Despite the fact that one of Deuce's first projects, Wimbers130, focused entirely on a series of tennis posters, the name behind the agency derived much earlier.

To simply sum it up, Jonny loves tennis, and there is a really great bullshit meaning behind the word 'Deuce'; it's about two people coming together - the client and the designer - to make something that is successful and effective.

• If Deuce could be any box of cereal, what would it be and why? 

An eclectic mix - Snap, Crackle and Pop - it has to be Rice Krispies. ‘We can do anything cause we’re Rice Krispies’

• Why London when you could pick North Wales? 

"Even though London is expensive, it's got the whole package."

Despite the average pint in London being extortionately priced in contrast to those up North, Deuce still consider London to be the best city in the World for design.

Their view is that London is internationally renown as a creative hub for design. It is fun, lively and busy, with a vast range of regular events that offer great networking possibilities. In terms of services, anything you could ever possibly need is available.

• When going from uni into industry, what was your biggest challenge? Have you got any advice?

"You don't know what you're doing."

One of the most challenging aspects that Deuce discovered after graduating is how to handle the business side of design work (especially tax returns).

One tip received is that even though some clients may try and take over the creative process, you should always remember the fact that they are hiring you for your ideas and expertise.

• What’s your pet hate in design?

Watching other designers that don't understand spacing.

• Hardest question. If you could describe one another as a typeface, what would you be?

Jonny would be Gill Sans as he’s done some pretty shady things in the past.

Richard would be something classy and sophisticated - how you like to present yourself, a little bit of class but not much class - like bodoni with no serifs - Bodoni sans

Matt’s a bit quirky - Bellway's got the little flourishes on it, a bit art nouveau. Something a bit more hard edged is needed though - Rockwell cause of his big toe - slab footed.

• Favourite emoji?

Jonny - Wink face
Matt - Peach
Richard - Moon face

"Is there not a squirrel emoji"

Where do you guys hope to see Deuce in 5-10 years time? 

In 5 years, Deuce see themselves having a little rooftop tennis court, with a small design team (around 6-7 members) that completes great quality design work. As they are currently mobile around London, Deuce would like to see themselves having a small office with a ping pong table.

Thinking even further ahead, Deuce hope to have a third floor office, located around somewhere like Hackney Wick, with maybe ten people. Staying true to their clients, they would like to work with a mixture of small and large companies.

This content will be used to develop a 500-word report on Deuce. I am going to work collaboratively with Harrison on this as it feels only right seeming as we did the interview together. 

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