Saturday, January 6, 2018

OUGD602 - Getting In Contact With Utopia Productions & Arranging A Placement

As motion graphics is one the strongest areas of my practice identified at the start of the year I thought that it would be beneficial to try and do a placement that uses these skills to push myself. Utopia Productions are a West London that specialise in the creation of corporate videos, commercials and web content. They have a wide client list - one of which being the Pirelli Calendar, one of the most exclusive annual publications in the World.

The owner, Stu Chapman, is someone who I have been contact with for a few years. He is a family friend and I introduced myself to him a year ago, explaining that I do graphic and motion design and that he should get in contact with me if he is ever looking for a new designer. I have met up with him a variety of times for a chat and few beers and have talked to him via text for a while.

Due to persoanlly knowing Stu fairly well I sent him a text. This didn't need to be too formal and essentially explained that I am interested in working with him for a week, even if unpaid. This could potentially lead to further work after University that is paid; therefore, I was happy to do a placement for free. The conversation that I had was as follows:

A phone call was organised and I rang Stu this morning. We had a quick catch up and spoke about common interests. This led to me asking about coming to do a week's work experience at Utopia Productions to help with any work. Stu highlighted that he is very busy and that I should get in contact with him again in a month or two to further discuss dates. I have written down a note of this and will get back in contact with him regarding a week placement.

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