Thursday, September 22, 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - Reflecting On Level 4

Aims - Looking back at last year, a lot of the aims that I had then are still very current in terms of what pathway I want to follow. Publication design is one aspect that still really appeals to me. I really enjoyed learning about the production of them and rules that should applied last year. Looking at the work completed, the last piece of work made (the Liberty Park guide) was actually very well done in terms of the production quality and choice in stock. This year, however; I would like to focus on really developing my skills and knowledge; in particular, focusing on production quality to ensure that my outcomes look as professional as possible. Furthermore, I would like to have an in-depth understanding of how to use finishes and coatings, as this is one aspect I still have no clue about.

Over the Summer, I completed some branding work for a large client and some motion graphics work for various music event companies. I am currently quite heavily involved in putting various events on in Leeds, and this aspect of branding nights/making promo videos is one area that I would like to continue pursuing. I am quite confident using Adobe After Effects when it comes to promo videos; however, I still do not know how to produce 3D work. From a young age I have been fascinated by animation, but have never really understood how to use the programs or learn them. In my spare time I'm going to try and learn programs like Cinema 4D, to take my design work to a higher level.

One key aim that I have this year is to begin venturing into the industry by reaching out to studios, getting placements and building my contacts up. I was not entirely happy with the final outcome that I produced in the self branding module last year because I felt that the production was not at a good enough level to send out to clients. For this reason, I am going to try and develop my personal branding this year so that I can send out a package that I am proud of to various studios and creatives. Unfortunately, my Macbook hard drive completely water damaged last year, which meant that I completely lost my website. This year, I definitely need to create a new website that has some purpose in terms of targeting design studios.

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