Tuesday, November 15, 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 01 - Collaborative 3D Project

Because one of my objectives is to learn how to create 3D motion graphics, I have started a collaborative project with a friend on the course who shares a similar interest. The project focuses on developing our skills in Cinema 4D, by purely producing posters that have been created in the program. One poster is produced a day, each, which ensures that we continuously learn about the program and push ourselves throughout the year. The 24 posters created to date can be seen below.

Once I feel like I am competent enough with the program I am going to try and produce some animations. This is not too complicated; however, getting the outcomes as desired can be quite tricky, as certain elements are difficult to control. We have made a joint instagram for this project to get the work out there and try and gain some feedback/recognition. Ideally, we are thinking of possibly setting up a design studio at some point in the future. Having a fairly large following and interest in our work before leaving university could help when trying to find clients.

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